Best Practices: List of abstracts and articles

Note: The full articles listed below require Adobe Acrobat Reader to be viewed.

bulletJanuary 2008: "Four Lessons from MDS Montreal" [View the abstract] / [View the full article (Adobe Acrobat document)]

bulletApril 2007: "Critical Recommendations from the Third AAPS/FDA Bioanalytical Workshop" [View the abstract / View the full article (Adobe Acrobat document)]

bulletApril 2006: "Ten Questions to Ask Your Prospective Contract Laboratory" [View the abstract / View the full article (Adobe Acrobat document)]

bulletJune 2004: "Quality Control Samples" [View the abstract] / [View the full article (Adobe Acrobat document)]

bulletFebruary 2004: "How Product Failures are Related to Raw Materials" [View the abstract] / [View the full article (MS Word document)]

bulletOctober 2003: "A Rational Approach to Qualifying a Contract GMP Testing Laboratory" [View the abstract] / [View the full article (MS Word document)]

bulletMay 2003: "The Use of Internal Standard Calibration with LC/MS/MS Bioanalytical Methods" [View the abstract] / [View the full article (MS Word document)]